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Pay attention to the news about hip hop artist Kanye West. Have you notice that the media has suddenly started attacking their poster boy? There are clear signs that the Cabal's structural integrity is faltering.
Since before the spectacular Roman gladiator presentations at the Coliseum, the Cabal has made sure to manipulate our entertainment as a way to control our mind. Mind control is something that the Cabal has done better than anyone else for the last four thousand years. For all intents and purposes, entertainment and mind control are akin to inseparable soul mates. The audience shows up to a venue ready to listen and observe with an open mind. This is the ideal mental state to get across whatever message the Cabal needs to push. Next follows the agenda-driven message. Do you want to destroy family integrity? No problem. Do you want to undermine teenager self confidence? No problem either. There is a type of entertainment for every type of mind control need.
This phenomena is further enhanced as the quality of entertainment increases. And the Cabal surely knows how to put up a great show. Did 9-11 shake you to your core? How about any of the school shootings? Next, the Cabal knows how to make things tribal where your team competes against outsiders. The result is a divided audience. Yes, nothing like the ole "divide and conquer". Defined as a fantastic step in winning any war by conflict master Sun Tzu more than five hundred years before Christ, the Cabal has become the ultimate authority in making us hate our fellow men. March thousands of peasants from Syria into Europe and you easily divide the citizenry in Europe. Repeat with paisas from Honduras walking across Mexico and towards the US and the same happens here. The same lie provokes both sides.
But despite the ubiquitous presence of mind control mechanisms by the Cabal, no one seems to notice. People love their Facebook, access to their internet, their favorite movie star, etc. Many even fight to get their children into specific ivy league schools because they do an exceptional job at indoctrinating our young ones into the inner-workings of a corrupt society.
Yet, the lack of public awareness about what is really going on is not due to a Cabal that's trying to hide things. No, the Cabal acts right on the open. They made not one but two movies and one deck of cards for a table game where they gave plenty of warning about what they planned to do for 9-11. In fact, they continue to tell us all about what they do through the thousands of movies they produce every year.
Perhaps the problem is the compartmentalization of it all. All evidence presented by the Cabal is placed within separate compartments of our daily lives. So, those who follow politics never talk with those who investigate science. The ones worried about education seem not to care much about the quality of drinking water. And what about when things get out of control? Let's pretend that Kennedy's assassination was clearly suspicious. At that moment, the Cabal calls investigation-experts from their mind control agency, also known as the CIA, and demands a full breakdown of what happened. Following the loud demand by many compromised politicians in Washington, DC, a false document is well stamped for authenticity and it's delivered to the media for pre-digestion and distribution. In the end, the authoritative document finds nothing wrong. Yes, a president died but nothing else went wrong. Any one left asking questions will be labeled a conspiracy theorist by the media and publicly embarrassed in front of a panel of experts. These are the same experts who previously told Mrs. Kennedy that smoking while pregnant was perfectly healthy, but I digress.
So, what happens when the Cabal's own entertainment royalty removes the spot light from the show and shines it squarely over the 'mind control' nature of it all? What happens when those responsible to make mind control a soothing musical experience start to sing the truth instead? At less that you have been living under a rock, you have surely heard about Kanye West. Some people know him for his music. Some identify with him through his reality TV hottie spouse, Kim Kardashian. More recently, many had a chance to witness his now famous 10 minute rant at the White House. Mr. West is someone who approves of the work done by President Donald Trump and is not shy to speak about it. No wonder the media hates him. Trump is trying to put the Cabal behind bars and they respond with daily carpet-bombing by their mass-media.
After West's organic speech during his visit with the president on October 11th, the Cabal-controlled media called him every bad word in the book. "Kanye West is what happens when Negros don't read”, said CNN host Don Lemon with a straight face, as the usual panel of experts agreed on screen. But Kanye West is more than talking. He is committing a cardinal sin within the church of the Cabal.
Joan Rivers
Besides many other key industries, the Cabal controls Hollywood, the music industry and all major media. The rules are clear and not-negotiable. You either faithfully stick to the message distributed by the CIA at 4:00 am every morning or you end up in a body bag. Remember the day when the ever joyful Joan Rivers told the nation that Obama was the very first transsexual in the White House? Well, she doesn't. She died a couple of days later of the usual medical intervention stuff. When a hooligan in the street sticks a knife in you, they call it a murder. If the same happens in a hospital, they call it surgery. Count the number of stabbings in Hollywood hospitals since the movie industry moved west and realize that they are exceeded only by overdoses, which are also directed by the same hospital hooligans.
Like Rivers, Kanye West is now talking about the Cabal's secrets out in the open. On October, 13th, Mr. West twitted a personal video where he describes his feelings of being intellectually raped by those who want to control what others think. He specifically went after social media. "It's part of the bigger agenda. That's like mind control. That's the echo chamber. That's trying to control you based of incentivizing you and based of you getting enough likes. And that's the poisoning that's happening with social media." Talk about hitting the Cabal where it hurts; right in between their social-media jewels. Many do not know that, after the Cabal saw the viability of Altavista, it hired Stanford to find the people that would build it it's own version of a search engine. Enter Google. The reason Google didn't sell any of the stuff it created is because their goal from the moment of creation was to act as the eye looking over every part of our lives and as a way to conduct mind control. All funding, of course, came from dark budgets. You know, everything from lost tax-payer money to arms and drug trafficking by the CIA was used to make Google the de facto global leader. But soon, the Cabal realized that MySpace would be a great addition, so they created Facebook. By the time Twitter became the latest addition to the Cabal's arsenal of spy robots, people were full into the social media phenomenon; a phenomenon from which Kanye West is now awakening.
Because Mr. West comes from the hip hop industry, many will miss the importance of what he is doing. So far, the media has dissected every bit of his demeanor and all of his unstructured approach to public speaking. But the Cabal-controlled media should be the last place we get real information from. Unfortunately, the alternative media has focused on defending his speaking style rather than analyzing what he is uncovering. Needless to say, the Cabal is fine with us missing the forest for the trees. When Mr. West said, "... as soon as you get money, they make you buy a house", was he referring to a financial system meant to drive people into debt-slavery? He attacked the Cabal's political interventionism after all media promoted the idea that Hillary was the sure winner when nothing else was further from the truth. "Unprogram your mind", he suggested to his audience.
I must admit to being impressed. While Mr. West is not the first to go after the Cabal or to include references to esoteric messages of positive energy, I feel that he is confirmation that awakening is indeed taking place throughout society. Some public-figures are even talking about the possibility of the secret space program. Some more have changed their position on Kennedy and 9-11. This awakening is the reason why the Cabal is adding 5G cell phone service and chentrailing over our skies to their previous mind control tools. Today, fluoride in the water, aluminum in vaccines and bad schools are not enough to prevent the awakening of millions of people every day.
In any case, I think that it is time to recognize Mr. West for his positive energy message; especially because it could be the best way for some of the most oppressed groups of humans to awaken; those living inside the black communities where the Cabal viciously attacked their family union, destroyed their brains with every drug available, promoted anger against their fellow citizens and made them dependent of an abusive government. Happy awakening Mr. West.
When the Cabal's puppets like Brennan, Cardin, Kaine and many others demand sanctions against Saudi Arabia, you know the Saudi's did something right for once. A few months ago, the Saudi King executed a deep-cleaning exercise of the royal family to rid it from any Cabal influence. Many of the Cabal-compromised princes were either jailed or killed in a move that stopped funding for corrupt politicians in Washington. Do you recall that the big fashion in today's Washington is to create your own slush fund under the pretense of it being a charity fund, just like the Clinton foundation? Well, many of the Saudi royalty had been buying their right to an underground bunker by donating to many Cabal controlled politicians through their funds. But Trump's early presidential visit to the kingdom and a clear explanation of how humanity would be saved from the Cabal's threat sufficed to start the deep cleansing of the Saudi royal house. As expected, these facts were either missed or not explained by the fake media.
But the Cabal doesn't go down so easily. They are now claiming foul. Many of the Cabal's puppets are demanding that Trump implement immediate economic intervention in a matter that has pretty much nothing to do with us. The Cabal wants economic sanctions on Saudi Arabia for the suspicious death of Jamal Khashoggi. The fake media has described him as a 'nice little' reporter who innocently entered the Saudi Arabian consulate in Istanbul on October 2, 2018, to obtain documents related to his planned marriage, but whose dismembered body left the building inside plastic bags.
So, how innocent was this guy really and if he lived in Washington, why go all the way to Turkey to file marriage documents when the embassy was down the street from his house? He was, after all a Saudi citizen who was very familiar with such embassy. That he wrote for the CIA's public-relations agency, the Washington Post, is already bad enough for Khashoggi. I have previously commented on the fact that once someone is a CIA operative, they will always be one; or at least until they are found dead. So, it is difficult to know who, from all those working at the Washington Post, is in fact a CIA operative. It is nonetheless impossible to assume any one with a relationship with the paper is free of any guilt since the agency is tremendously vicious when pursuing it's purposes. Even investors like Warren Buffet and Jeff Bezos who own the paper are subject to doubt. Let's remember that the CIA is the one single element in our government that is responsible for all global atrocities that have gained the US the reputation for being a giant imperialist force in modern history.
Then there are the family ties within the Cabal's arms trafficking ring. It seems that his late uncle, Adnan Khashoggi, was a great allied of the CIA's child-drugs-arms trafficking division while alive. But if you think that this are all obscure relationships, you would be wrong. None of this stuff is a secret. The Khashoggi family was openly involved in the CIA's Iran-Contra scandal; you know, the one where weapons ended in the hands of the Colombians who were then sending drugs to the US under sponsorship by the Clinton's while in power in Arkansas? Interestingly Adnan Khashoggi's other nephew was Dodi al-Fayed, the man who dated princess Diana and who died with her in the traffic assassination by the Cabal in Paris in 1997. As I have made it clear before, the finger prints of the Cabal are everywhere you look. They compartmentalize things for us to miss the connecting clues. But a cursory view from above easily clears all doubts.
And perhaps what is most relevant to us about this case of spy-versus-spy is that Mr. Jamal Khashoggi was a Saudi citizen and not an American one. He died inside the Saudi embassy in Turkey, not an American embassy. It is therefore worth asking what is it that our president has to do with his death? Could it be that the Cabal continues to think that we are no more than useless eaters who will happily serve them in perpetuity? During the false flag event best known as 9-11, the Cabal scared us enough as to use us to go after the five countries in the middle east that they had publicly identified as their next targets. During the 90's the military generals refused to go to war against these five countries for reasons that had nothing to do with us. But in 9-11, things changed. Public opinion was so strong that the generals had no other alternative but to go to war despite knowing that the attacks were a Cabal's false flag. So, US tax payers were left to fund the Cabal' s dirty plans. Of course that now that the money has been spent, the national debt needed to cover such wars is owed to the Cabal itself. Funny, we do the dirty work for them and then we have to pay them for it. You got to love their control of our monetary system and politicians. But again, I digress.
It is clear that we need to let Jamal Khashoggi go in peace. Let the Saudis solve their own issues. This is a clear scenario where we have no dog in the fight. In any case, we should always take the opposite side to that of the Cabal.
For educated insight into what happen to Jamal Khashoggi, take a look at this video by Information Freedom.
"Former Secretary Clinton's security clearance was administratively withdrawn on August 30, 2018. On September 20, 2018, security clearances were administratively withdrawn from Cheryl Mills" and four other redacted names, said the official letter by Senate Committee on the Judiciary Chairman, Charles Grassley.
The use of a unauthorized server by the former Secretary of State has not gone away to the dismay of those who still think she was a viable presidential candidate. Surrounding the issue are allegations that the server acted as a gateway for anyone who paid access to information residing at the highest level of US secrecy. Its the cyber era version of leaving a black briefcase at the check in area of the airport for the enemy spy to simply walk by and pick it up. Everyone involved needed no more than just to act cool and as if nothing's happening. Unfortunately for Mrs. Clinton, it seems as if NSA computers tracked all traffic activity around the server despite Google providing all Clinton friends access through their secure site in North Korea. There is even a trick where Google mail users can write emails without sending them. The recipient still receives the email message despite the fact that it did not travel as an email over the internet but as a draft between Google servers. Again. the NSA found a way around this trick as well. As we know, NSA was the agency that first alerted Trump that he had been spied by the opposition, the FBI and the CIA while a candidate and after being elected president.
After the Cabal-controlled CIA deployed Google and Facebook as cyber tools to keep an eye on all of us, they planted Edward Snowden within the NSA as a way to discredit the NSA. Did you ever wonder why a so called enemy of the state got quick access to the Cabal's controlled Hollywood machine through the movie that paints the NSA as the only people-spy? For those who love spy nobles, the battle between the intelligence agencies that we are witnessing is clearly better than any non-fiction stuff.
Unfortunately for us, the wheels of justice move much slower than those of the spy agencies. The Senate Committee on the Judiciary used FOIA to gain access to the information held by the FBI needed for the Clinton-email investigation. As the investigation continues, there is word that Clinton may run for president again in 2020. She would not be alone. Eric Holder and other high profile people fearing that there is a sealed indictment with their name on it will attempt to use public opinion as a shield from the law. By running as opposite candidates to Trump during the next presidential elections, they will accuse him of political bias and abuse of power if investigated or charged with a crime. In essence, they will try to turn around their trick against Trump despite the fact that their attack on Trump was false and meritless while their arrests are warranted. Keep an eye on the continuing trials. Just be aware that fake media will not cover any of them.