Monday, September 24, 2018

Q-Anon's Battle Tested Generals Acknowledge Secret Space Program

Things in hyperspace could't be more interesting than they are today.
First, the battle between the original Q-Anon and the Cabal's NYT-Anon became quite comical. After the Cabal-controlled news media, from CNN to the Washington Post, described 'Q' and its Anon followers as right-wing extremists who were spreading fake-news, the New York Times decided to create their own Anon by publishing an anonymous op-ed by a 'so called' White House insider who described a conspiracy between those who have been working for the government for a long time. This was interesting considering the fact that it was the same fake-news media that ridiculed anyone who suggested the existence of a 'deep-state'.
I guess that, now that the NYT-Anon has demonstrated that traitors do exist within government, they will attempt another one of their Jedi-mind-tricks on their followers: "the NYT-Anon is not a deep-stater... the NYT-Anon is not a deep-stater..." Did I say it was funny?
It's interesting that the fake-media has made no real attempt at directly addressing any of the subjects covered by 'Q'. Instead, they have mostly wished for it to disappear. They seem to share the logic of an infant who plays peek-a-boo and really thinks that mom has left the room when she covers their eyes.
But 'Q' has gone nowhere but up. The number of decoding loyalists around the world keeps increasing. I describe them as 'decoders' because 'Q' talks exclusively in code. This makes it almost impossible for the average person to understand most of Q's short messages.
The system of information dissemination created by 'Q' requires a layer of decoders to serve the rest of the audience. Perhaps this is why the media has gone nuts trying to attack 'Q'. By not giving any direct information, 'Q' makes it impossible for those with short attention span to attack it. In order to mount a proper offensive against 'Q', the fake media would have to explain their decodification method, which could easily open them up to embarrassment if done poorly. All the media says, when describing 'Q', is that it is bad and fake. But there is no mention of what any of it means or why. Meanwhile, Q's messaging system continues to increase in depth. To decode a new message, the Anons have to make reference to several previous messages. This is clearly beyond the mental ability of the shallow brains who still believe CNN and MSNBC.
The class of those who self-describe as the informed and educated intellectual class are faithful readers of the New York Times and are now being left in the dark. Most of them do not know that it is our military generals who are behind 'Q'. Most of them have no idea that 'Q' predicted the day of John McCain's death. Think of everything that such knowledge represents. They have the wrong impression of who are the good and the bad guys. These people are missing one of the best shows in history. Having started less than a year ago, 'Q' is sure to last only until the Cabal faces military tribunals for child trafficking and for treason; take your pick.
Soon after the trials end, we are all expecting for most of the Disclosure to take place. We will be told our history; the real one and not the one we find in school books. We will be introduced to our space cousins who had most to do with our DNA's experiment. We will be shown the great technological advancements that have been hidden from us. Among these, we will find out about easily eliminating all human diseases. The era of for-profit, poison-based medicine will be over. We will also be given access to our free-energy; the same technology developed by Tesla over one hundred years ago but which was kept from us because it was... free. No more fossil fuel pollution or alternative-energy none-sense after disclosure.
Do you think it is crazy to think of such disclosures? Consider the fact that disclosure may have already started. Last week, during a question and answer session between "Q" and about half a million active "Anon" decoders from around the world, the already mythological "Q" accepted the existence of a Secret Space Program at the highest level of need-to-know national top-secrecy.
One Anon asked:"Are we alone? Roswell?" To what 'Q' replied: "No. Highest classification. Consider the vastness of space." If you still doubt that ET's are real, then I guess that we will have to wait until they come down your street. Just be aware that the whole point of the soft disclosure approach is to make sure that people don't get a heart attack the first time they face a seven foot, blue humanoid with the head of a praying mantis.
Another Anon followed by asking: "Did NASA fake the moon landings? Have we been to the moon since then? Are there secret space programs? Is this why the Space Force was created?" The message was clearly loaded with direct and incisive questions. It would have been simple for 'Q' to ignore them. Yet, it only took 13 minutes for 'Q' to select the question and figure out the answer. 'Q' replied: "False, moon landings are real. Programs exist that are outside of the public domain." Interestingly, 'Q' made no reference to which moon landings he was referring to: the original Apollo ones or the recent daily ones at the Lunar Operations Center (LOC).
Perhaps you believe the fake-news media and think that 'Q' is a distraction mechanism. Perhaps you feel that Q's acceptance of the existence of ET's proves no more than 'Q' is a fringe player with very little sense of reality. Being that I grew up and was educated under the same control system that you did, I am not a bit surprised of the difficulty to see 'Q' and their claims as real. Thankfully, this is not a religion and as such does not require faith. Everybody will experience their awakening sooner or later.
Years ago, the Cabal wrote a report that concluded that we were not ready to hear about extra-terrestrials. This document sat as the backbone of the secret space program and the trillions of military funds lost that were used to reverse engineer alien technology for the last seventy years.
For those who use the excuse that science requires physical evidence of alien existence beforehand, I remind them that they are using Newtonian physics and that if they move to the much better tested Quantum physics they will find that it would be tremendously conceited for us to think that we would be the only form of intelligent existence ever and everywhere. Quantum physics, with it's view that everything is no more than energetic oscillations, shows that time and space are just constructs. So, any intelligent being from far away can instantly visit us just by dialing to the right frequency. Likewise, any being from any time, past or future, can instantly visit us by also dialing to the right frequency. The same goes for beings from other dimensions or parallel universes, all of which are allowed by Quantum physics. In other words, since the chances of us being unique every-when and every-where is zero and since instant time, distance and dimensional travel are all possible, the fact that we have not met the quadrillion types of species that are out there says more about those who control our skies than about God's universe.  Let's not be fooled. This is the time when the veil comes off and we all awaken to the truth.

Per 'Q': Where we go one, we go all.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Obama Claims Credit for Making America Great Again

Nothing like the stench of dirty politics polluting our every breath. Yes, it's election time again and the Cabal's machine is running at full power. When the Fake Media promotes an idea, we know that reality resides somewhere geometrically opposed to what they say. Believing what they say is akin to eating the CIA's koolaid in granular form.
Recently, Obama tried to argue that it was he who Made America Great Again. This despite the fact that he will soon face military tribunals for treason for his involvement in Iran's manufacturing of a nuclear head that was to be detonated within the continental US. Yes, the Cabal continues to lose ground.
Following is the transcript from a presentation by Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, Kevin Hassett, to the press at the White House. As expected, the 4 AM memo from the CIA gave the media their talking points the following day. All, tried their version of 'debunking'. Unfortunately, anyone following my blog knows that capital spending is at the core of economic growth and that it had gone to zero during Obama's terrible tenure. 
And then there is the fact that dozen's of Cabal-controlled pseudo-economists had claimed for eight Obama years that the era of economic expansion had come to an end and that we would only now experience the 'New Economic Reality'. Following the Cabal's agenda, we were made to believe that higher than 1% growth would be impossible in the future. Well, the future came quickly thanks to Trump and growth blew all their mechanized prognostication. 
Enjoy the charts.


You know, one of the hypotheses that’s been floating around about the economy lately is that the strong economy that we’re seeing is just a continuation of recent trends. And, you know, since we’re the nerds at the White House, we decided that this is a testable hypothesis. And so what we can do is we can go out and we can estimate recent trends — that is, trends that ran in the economy up to the point of the last election — and then compare the latest data to the recent trends.

In most cases, by the way, the estimates of the trends that we present to you here are very statistically significant, as are the deviations from the trend.

And so now I’m going to, as I always do, show you a few slides. Could I have the next slide, please? That’s the first slide again. There we go.

So the first slide that we’re looking at is small-business optimism. And this is basically — for parallel construction, you’re going to see that each of the slides we go through is going to look a lot like this. And so the blue part to the left of the slide is what happened from the 2012 election through the 2016 election. And the dotted blue line is the trend that President Trump inherited from the previous President. And the red line is what actually happened with the data.

And so, I think that if you look at this chart, you can see that the first thing is small-business optimism. The middle chart is the percent reporting now as a good time to expand. The last one is the percent expecting higher real sales in six months. I think if you look at any of those, you’d say, “Gee, that doesn’t really look like the continuation of a recent trend.”

The next chart is something that, in my first presser here, way back last fall, we talked a lot about. It’s business investment, which is more than $300 billion over the trend. Again, if you look at the blue line on the left, the first chart is nonresidential fixed investment. And the dotted line is the trend and the growth rate to that, that President Trump inherited.

For the middle chart is structures, or buildings. And that, as you can see, the dotted line is something that is headed straight down.

And then, the final chart is equipment investment, and that went straight down before President Trump was elected.

And I think that if anyone were to assert that the capital spending boom that we’re seeing right now was a continuation of the trend that President Trump inherited, then, well, you know, they wouldn’t get a high grade in graduate school for that assertion.

Durable goods orders, capital goods orders — it’s a key part of the economy, and it’s one of the factors that we look at most closely because it characterizes, basically, the good-paying jobs, the jobs that affects normal Americans — blue- collar Americans.

And the first chart is core capital goods orders, and the second chart is core capital goods shipments. And if you look at it, the blue again shows a clear downward trajectory and billions of dollars. And then that trajectory reversed itself completely when President Trump was elected.

If you were going to assert that the current good news is just the extension of a recent trend, then you’d just simply be factually incorrect.

Here we’re looking at the ISM purchasing managers index, which is a survey of people who are purchasing managers for manufacturing firms. And so they’re the folks that, you know, as the title suggests, manage the purchases. And so it’s a really great indicator of the economy because you can survey them and say, “Hey, have you been buying lots of stuff this month or have you not?” And the index shows what their responses look like.

And you can see that the trend on the purchasing managers index was pretty much flat when President Trump took office. And the red line shows you what happened since, that there’s a clear inflection right at the election and a clear break in the trend.

Now, one of the things that I can remember at the American Enterprise Institute talking a lot about before I came in here was the fact that entrepreneurship in America was falling off. And one of the ways we can measure entrepreneurship is that, if you start a new business, that you have to apply for an ID number — a tax ID number — for your business.

And so, in this chart, we’ve plotted the EIN applications for new businesses. And if you look at the blue line, they were heading up because we were at a recovery, but there’s clear upward trajectory way above the trend at the end.

And, you know, Sarah — like John Roberts — is a calculus geek. And so she looked at that one, and said, “Jeez, that looks like a very strong second derivative to me.” (Laughter.) And then, I said, “I didn’t know you did calculus.” And she said, “I like calculus better than talking to these guys.”

The next chart is prime-age workers reentering the labor force. And again, if you look at the trend, one of the things people said when we put out our growth forecast that said that we’d have 3 percent growth was we said that President Trump’s policies are going to bring factories back to the U.S., give you the capital spending boom that you saw in the previous chart, and that was going to bring people back into the labor force at precisely the right time. Once again, you can see that there’s clear break in the trend.

And so, if you see a break in the trend in the capital spending, the new plant formation that gives blue-collar workers their jobs — go to the next slide, please — then maybe we see a break in the trend in blue-collar workers employment as well. And so this is employment for people in goods-producing industries.

If you look, again, at the blue part on the left, you can see that there’s a clear downward trend going on in the growth rate of that for President Obama, and then a clear inflection timed almost precisely, once again, at the election. And the notion, again, that somebody might defensively attempt to assert that this is a continuation of the trend is almost laughable if you look at this chart and, you know, look at the rest of them.

Now, somebody might say, if you’re showing a bunch of charts, well, gee, maybe it depends on when you estimate the trend. And I’m sure that if you went back and began your estimate of the trend at the Civil War, and then thought about, well, what trend do we get then — well, then, maybe we’re not — yeah, well, you would get a different answer from what we see.

But another way to sort of test whether the data that I just showed you is a fair representation of what a trend looked like when President Trump was elected is just to compare it to what nonpartisan bodies were saying.

So if I could have a look at my final chart here. I know — guys, I heard this sigh of relief when I said “final chart.” So if you look at the final chart, you’ll see that the black line is, in June of 2017, what the CBO — Congressional Budget Office, a nonpartisan agency that has a job, really, of looking at recent trends and projecting it — what they said would happen to capital spending back in 2017. The blue line is what they said in April 2018. And the red line is what’s actually happened.

And so, I would assert that if you look at the collective body of evidence, the notion that what we’re seeing right now is just a continuation of recent trends is not super defensible. And I think that — I know that we’re in a political time and passions are high. But, as geeky economists, one of the things we have to do is think ahead to what historians will think when they look back at this time. And I can promise you that economic historians will 100 percent accept the fact that there was an inflection at the election of Donald Trump, and that a whole bunch of data items started heading north. They will, of course, argue for a long time about why that happened.

But my final thought for you is just this: That when they do that, and when you watch people do that in the media going forward, with op-eds and so on, that you should watch out for ex-post theorizing. As an economist, one of the things I most care about is an ex-ante theory — something that happens before, and then let’s watch the data, and then see if it agrees with a theory. That’s how you test a theory.

You might recall that I came back here last fall, and I told you that if we had the tax cuts that President Trump advised that we have, that he pursued — if we passed them, then there would be a boom in capital spending this year.

In fact, we provided estimates at the time last fall that said that capital spending this year would go up about 11 percent because of the tax cuts. So far, in the first half of the year, capital spending is up 10 percent.

And so you don’t have to really reach far for a theory of what happened. President Trump deregulated the economy; we’ve talked about how that affects growth. The tax cuts have had exactly the predicted effect on the economy that’s brought businesses back to the U.S., factories back to the U.S., and created jobs for ordinary Americans. It clear in the data that there’s been a trend break.

Following is a video edit that includes the above White House presentation. 

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Failed: World War III

Do you like conspiracy narratives? I have a great one for you. It describes how World World III failed to materialize.

There was once a United States where a candidate for presidency promised to restore "hope" during his campaign. Candidate Obama, a son of a CIA operative, eventually became President despite many attacks on his person and past. Was he an America-born citizen? Was he a Christian or a Muslim? Did he attend college? Yet, nothing got in his way. He seemed to have so much global support that he was awarded a Nobel Peace Prize before he got going. 
Unfortunately, Obama's expressed intentions of helping the little guy went no where. He said he would go after the corrupt big guys. He accused larger greedy bankers of being the cause of the largest recession since the Great Depression. He guaranteed that big banks would pay the price as they would be broken down. Instead, big banks bloomed while small banks disappeared. Obama's slow economy and unstable bond markets hurt small businesses while giving large corporations all sorts of ways for CEO's to cash in. Education and quality of living for those at the bottom deteriorated after eight years of broken promises.
Questions soon followed. Were all the problems due to Obama's lack of managerial experience? Was congress to blame? Had he forgotten about those who voted for him?
Meanwhile, Obama had divided the country as never before. If 9-11 saw a united nation, just a few years later the opposite became true. It became a battle field between the police and blacks. The old was angry with the young. Women felt threatened by men. 
What no one considered, though, was the reality that Obama was no more than a fake front for a group best described as the Cabal. His official position as leader of the free-world failed to describe him as one of the most important puppets in service of the very few who controlled everybody's daily life. Anyone using dollar bills had to first pay a private organization called the Federal Reserve for such money. Those in need of medicines or vaccines had to accept unnecessarily high levels of harmful aluminum and other poisons withing their cures without a way to make pharma giants accountable. Transportation of all necessary goods from source to market and of all employees from home to work became a choice between polluting or seizing to be a part of society thanks to the control by the energy industry giants. 
But not happy with controlling the world, the Cabal had terrible intentions for the rest of people after technology had made them no more than useless-eaters. Going back to the early nineties, other US presidents like papa Bush and Clinton were heard pitching the merits of the 'New World Order'. The United Nations became the forum where all Cabal puppets promised a utopian world were things would be better for all people. They told a great number of platitudes but failed to dig into the details. But there is a place where such details can be found. The Georgia Guidestones were inspired by the megaliths of Stonehenge in England. And like the famous stone structure from antiquity, the Georgia Guidestones were designed and constructed with the intention of surviving even the greatest of earth catastrophes. The stones were there on public display and in several languages as a way of publicly announcing what the New World Order plans were. And, like with all newspaper-listed council-announcements that give the opportunity for those who disagree with local community plans to express their feelings, not expressing disgust for the stones' commandments became a kind of implicit approval by all people; or at least that is what the Cabal hoped. 
It turned out that New World Order's number one commandment was the reduction of all world population to just half a billion people. Considering that population sat at around 7.5 billion, the New World Order's goal meant that 7 billion humans had to be eliminated; that 95% of people had over-stood their welcome. For every 15 family members and friends, only one would survive. The other 14 became deplorables. 
Thankfully, the Cabal's New World Order plans fell further and further behind. 
So a new plan was deviced where two eight-year-term presidencies would set the stage for a third World War; the nuclear kind that would destroy most of humanity in a few weeks. 
Obama was to leave the US in terrible economic conditions and with the open borders needed for subversive groups to easily enter the country mixed among many illegal temporary workers. Thousands of Muslim Africans were shipped directly from ports in north Africa to holding camps in the north of Mexico awaiting clandestine entry into the US. As is always the case, the CIA would organize all logistics and manage the flow of corrupt funds.
But the plans to weaken the US would not stop there. Military control was taken away from the generals. Military funding was diverted towards other projects. The weakened conservative base was also targeted by the IRS and by the media. Anti-gun false flag events continued to promote fear. Supreme court justices were murdered and replaced. Snowden, a CIA operative, leaked the names and function of many spy tools used by the US. Special-Access Top Secret programs were sold to the highest bidders through access to private email servers managed by the soon to be president, Hillary. 
All preparations were intended to equalize the military strength of the US and its potential foe, Russia. The plans were akin to enticing a child with candy. They knew that Russia, the child of the story, would never pass an opportunity to control as much of the world's uranium, the candy. 
Because uranium is the essential ingredient of all nuclear weapons, selling it to enemy nations is a crime. Obama and Hillary structured a deal that violated every national security law. Because intelligence and law enforcement agencies were sure to figure out what was going on, key people were placed at relevant and important roles to safeguard the plans. 
First. Russia gained access of the US uranium through a company called Uranium One. Then, the uranium contraband was shipped through Canada to evade trade restriction laws. But Russia was not delivered the complete uranium lot. Unknown to Russia, senator McCain delivered a small portion of the same uranium batch to an Iranian nuclear facility within Syria. 
When nuclear weapons created from the same same uranium batch are detonated, the isotopic signature of the batch remains the same. This meant that the Iranian's had to create a weapon to be detonated during one of the hundred's of false-flag events conducted by the CIA within the US. Then after investigation, the isotopic nature of the bomb would point to the uranium sold to Russia. Next, Hillary would blame Russia and declare war. All the Cabal controlled congress would stand in unison as the US would launch an all out nuclear attack. Russia and their allies would retaliate. If successful, the global destruction would be almost immediate. 
But things were not working as planned. Hillary's opposition candidates during the democratic party primaries were supposed to be hand chosen as easy folds. But a crazy old man called Bernie started to gain traction with his socialist rhetoric. Millions of millennials started to support Bernie. Meanwhile, the hand selected Cabal candidates for the republican party primaries, Jeb and Rubio, started to fall behind a politically incorrect candidate called Trump. While Hillary was able to take financial control of the democratic party and steal Bernie's chance at the candidacy, the Cabal-chosen republican candidates failed to beat the outsider. 
In the past, voters were made to believe that they had the power to select those who would govern them. In reality, though, the Cabal always had first right of refusal by placing only candidates with sworn loyalty at the head of both leading parties. No matter who the US voter selected, the Cabal would always win. Clinton or Bush for 1992; Clinton or Dole for 1996; Gore or Bush for 2000; Kerry or Bush for 2004; Obama or McCain for 2008; Obama or Romney for 2012; Hillary or Bush for 2016; all were the same. Then, by controlling the media, the Cabal always made sure that other parties never received the necessary airtime to change an election. It should be said that the Cabal always slept well during election night.
As planned for this US nation, Hillary won. Just one year after, on January 13th, 2018, Hillary went deep underground inside a Hawaii military base. A nuclear missile was launched from a foreign-flagged submarine owned by the CIA. The nuclear missile detonated after hitting a heavily populated area in the US. At 4:00 AM of the following morning, their usual time, the CIA sent out to all news media the talking points for the catastrophic event. All media immediately coordinated an effort to create fear and anger towards Putin. Retaliation and declarations of war were immediate. 
But before the first retaliatory missile hit its target, the richest people in the world moved to their military underground facilities. Congress and other politicians took the supersonic underground train out of Washington DC, towards the Denver underground bases. Within minutes the rich found protection just as the very first nuclear war heads started showering over the most important cities around the world. Russian allies were hit by US missiles as much as US allies were attacked by Russian missiles.
After the devastation, the Cabal made sure to capture the few pockets of survivors. These poor souls thought they were being rescued when in reality they were being made slaves. Any one not in line with the New World Order's dictates was eliminated. After the earth's depopulation, the Georgia Guidestones set as priority to limit all human reproduction, to set a single language, to control faith and to curve personal rights in favor of social responsibility. Humanity was never the same.

Does the narrative sound familiar? Many readers ask me why is it that I often refer to this as an important period in history. The narrative above describes why. In a parallel universe the bad guys of the Cabal won and humanity was destroyed.
But not in our version of the universe. In our timeline Hillary loses. It would have been so easy for our things to turn tremendously negative if it weren't because many in humanity had awaken in time to prevent it. This is not a US battle but one that involves all humans. There are many who dislike Trump because his infuriating tweets. To them I ask, when it comes time to prosecute those who traffic and abuse children, which side are you going to be with? If you chose to stand with the 5 million children who are taken from their families every year, then you are on the side of Trump and against the Cabal. During this era of timeline changes, it is very important that you chose your alliance well. Trump is also against any conflict that would result in a WWIII. The Cabal is in favor, as always, of conflict; especially those that would depopulate earth.
As more and more humans awaken and express their disagreement with all acts by the Cabal, we take part of the ascension process taking place in nature. As I write this, the sun and the rest of the solar system are increasing in energy.
As I have said before, this is a great moment of awakening. While not the first in earth's history, it is sure to be one that highlights the best we have to offer.

Cabal Explained:

Update from September 18th, 2018
The Cabal continues to try to bait Russia into military confrontation. This time, the Cabal used Israeli jets to get Syrian defense systems to shot missiles at the Israeli jets violating their airspace. This was the cover. Meanwhile, a French frigate shot a similar missile to those used by the Syrians to down a Russian Il-20 Coot electronic intelligence aircraft. The intention was to bait the Russians into attacking the French ship. France would deny being involved and then use the NATO agreement to get the US to go to war with Russia. Thankfully, Russia did not take the bait.
It's worth mentioning that the CIA has a dark fleet of military ships; all of which can be used with any given flag depending on the planned outcome by the Cabal. Let's recall that a nuclear missile was launched from under the waters of Hawaii on January 13, 2018. The weapon came from a CIA submarine sporting a Chinese flag and was directed towards the continental US. In that occasion, the missile was intercepted and deactivated through the use of energy weapons similar to those used to deactivate North Korean missiles a few months before. The alarms went off but the Cabal made sure to get all media to call it a false alert after the weapon failed to detonate as planned. Then, during Trump's trip to meet with North Korea's leader, a missile was launched from under the waters near Seattle. Thankfully, the attempt to destroy Air Force One failed. 
The fact that Trump has created a great communication channel with Putin has allowed for diplomacy to take place over military actions. Both leaders are well informed that they are fighting a war against the Cabal.