Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Internal Work vs. Truthers

Farsight just published their research into the Essassani resistance.

They suggest there are some Essassani who are on our side despite their Gray/Human hybrid genetics. This adds to their previous investigation into whether Darryl Anka was indeed channeling an Essassani person named Bashar.

They concluded that Bashar was indeed being channeled by Darryl. But they never answered a question in all of our minds. Is Bashar positive or not? Is Bashar part of the Essassani resistance? Well, Elena Danaan just commented that the Galactic Federation of Worlds warns against the Gray influence. 

Elena said that she received a message stating that there is a deceit program that asking people to attach life-size pictures of Essassani to their windows as a way to normalize their presence. This suggestion was made by Bashar, who also provided the high quality color images to be printed. One of the images had a Gray. The other had an Essassani.

This means that either Bashar is negative or Elena is NOT in contact with the Galactic Federation of Worlds. It also raises a third possibility that Farsight may be negative towards humanity or being deceived by the so called Essassani resistance. Either of these two sets of questions does not exclude the other. 

It's worth noting that Farsight has previously reported that the Galactic Federation of Worlds is here to help but will not intervene as long as human leaders continue to make deals with those who enslave earth.

Which is it then? What is Bashar's polarity? What does Farsight have to say about it? Is Elena being deceived? 

I wanted to write this post because it paints the picture of what we are facing. Many of us think to be so awoke that no one could lie to us. At the same time, we know that bad guys offer candy to a child to build their trust; right before kidnapping her. Yet, we fail to see how those "truthers" we love so much could be giving us "candy". We can't see how a source of "truth bombs" could later try to feed us lies. 

The whole point of awakening is to get to the moment when we realize that all things we love, all the systems that form our daily lives, were designed to enslave us. Do we need to hear once again that pharmaceutical companies poison us? Do we need confirmation that we are debt slaves? Do we want more information about corrupt politicians or mind programming academia? Clearly we know enough. There is no more need for research or truth bombs. Our complete ecosystem is faulty. 

The first part of awakening is thus an external one. Subsequently, the next part is internal in nature. This is where we say goodbye to our old world. We feel the pain for all we humans have done. We think about all that went amiss. This is a process of deep feeling and deep thinking. Only when both are engaged can we learn the lesson. The deeper the sorrow, the more we can be sure to be on the right path. 

Interestingly, the internal work seems at first sight as a process where we stop looking for outside information. But this idea couldn't be further from the truth. The second/internal stage of awakening is what is needed in order to resonate to the same frequency of the answers of how to build a better society. 

After much internal work, I begun to receive bundles of information. Later, I realized that what I received was coming through my connection to the universe. I then understood that all I received was information that matched the resonance I already had. Since I have had an affinity to science throughout my life, I received science based information. I concluded that the information was always there in the Akashic records of the universe. It was I who didn't previously have the right channel to access the knowledge. 

Also remarkable is that my internal work has also allowed me to "feel" a person's intention. In other words, this internal work can also ensure we are no longer lied to. In an astral encounter with Grays, they asked me to agree "to help humanity" with them. But their energy was one of contempt. This was all I needed to know in order not to "contract" with them. 

While getting the latest intel is addictive, it can only serve us to a certain point. After we understand that all around us is corrupt, then "truth bombs" actually get in the way of the real progress. They rob the time we could dedicate towards internal work. This is the same internal work that in the end will give us access to the greatest repository of truth; the Akashic records. It is also the tool needed to know enough truth as to never being lied to again. 

And there is one more benefit I forgot to mention. By most people doing internal work, humanity's resonance will be such that ascension will no longer delay. 

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