Thursday, March 3, 2022

Our Past Is A Fabrication

As surprising as it may seem to anyone thinking we live in freedom, the sad truth is that rewriting history, science and all other societal memory has been taking place none-stop from the very beginning. We are slaves within our little box of reality. 

At this stage, there is very little that is true among all we think we know. We are the orphans who have yet to be told that our life is not what we heard. 

None of these words are hyperbole. I wish they were. While the impact from knowing the many lost truths will be emotionally disturbing, the real price will be paid by experts. Those who dedicated every minute of their life to the collection of falsified facts will find it difficult to recover. This is why the great awakening is, by definition, driven by the non-expert; the lay person with nothing to lose. The book "The Innovators Dilemma" describes the challenge faced by those with the greatest investments in old paradigms. 

But we are the children of the universe. We were created to exist in innocence. As such, we are open minded. We are flexible. We are curious. In fact, a past of lies is what's expected and changes nothing about our human character. The many species that donated DNA for our creation did so with the hope we would one day repair the fallen reality, the dark matrix. Because fixing it will result in the inevitable end of the existence of the fallen angels that created the mess in the first place, these will not just let us fulfill our destiny. Yes, it was their freewill that drove them into trouble. But they think of themselves as gods. They will thus fight us for every inch of progress. 

Still, the universe is watching. we are to become the most loving of universal mediators. We are healers. That is our future. Our past only served as the foundation to show us why we are who we are. That is why the human collective chose to be born into slavery and abuse. Only then could we understand the purpose of our mission. 

Know that all the past is false. Move on to take our place in the universe... with love as our flag.

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