Friday, March 11, 2022

El Cabal-Luciferiano Premia a Rusia (Spanish)

Estos dias son muy reveladores, de verdad. Ahora es más fácil discernir quién es malo y quién es el bueno. Si deseamos saber qué empresas están controladas por el Cabal-Sacrificador-de-Niños, solo tenemos que mirara la lista de empresas que estan tomando medidas contra Rusia (consultar la lista abajo). ¿Están penalizando a Rusia o le están haciendo un favor? Parece que Cabal Luciferiano decidió recompensar a Rusia; todo mientras los medios nos hacen creer que ser prisioneros de las corporaciones globales es algo bueno.

Piénsalo. No más comida basura de YUM, McDonald's o Starbucks. No más envenenamiento del cuerpo con productos de Procter & Gamble. No más censura por las redes sociales. En lugar de un castigo, los rusos probablemente estén celebrando.

Rusia es un país energéticamente independiente que se beneficia cuando los precios del petróleo suben. Del mismo modo, Rusia ha sido independiente del sistema bancario central del Cabal durante años. La banca occidental no les afecta en absoluto. Solo reflexione sobre esto: no hay Walmart en Rusia; ni uno. Incluso el segundo supermercado más grande después de Walmart, Carrefour, es irrelevante en Rusia. Esta es la libertad real del imperio del mal.

Por otro lado, mira lo que pasó con el precio del níquel. Los medios culpan a las restricciones en Rusia por el aumento masivo de precios, aunque yo no lo creo. Las restricciones comenzaron mucho antes de que el precio subiera, pero supongamos que el bloqueo de la economía rusa es la razón del salto de los precios de los metales. La industria de las baterías va a perder despues de todo. El precio de los vehículos eléctricos acaba de explotar.

¿Y qué hay del otro lado del transporte? El precio tanto del West-Texas como del Brent se han disparado. El barril de petróleo se encuentra ahora en niveles que exprimirán la economía global. Al mediodía del 11-3-2022, el petróleo West-Texas se ubicaba a $109,43 por barril, mientras que el Brent se vendía a $112,04. Oh, como han cambiado las cosas. Hace un año, EE. UU. era energéticamente independiente, al igual que Rusia. Hoy, Rusia llega a vender petróleo a precios altísimos mientras que a nosotros nos queda seguir pagando los platos rotos durante el robo de las elecciones a presidente.
Obviamente, ninguna de estas preocupaciones económicas afectará a los habitantes del sótano que apoyaron el robo de la Casa Blanca. Los Soy-Boys de 40 años y toda la multitud de Justicia-Social-Antifa seguramente ignorarán los cambios globales. Mientras sus padres no hacen los pagos de la hipoteca, los NPC's de nuestra sociedad nunca se darán cuenta de la realidad de que somos esclavos tratando de liberarnos de la familia Cabal.

¿Cómo afectarán estas restricciones a los rusos? Tenga la seguridad de que se reirán sin parar. Esto sucederá a medida que los medios continúen pasando imágenes de videojuegos como si fueran imágenes de guerra "reales". Siguen pensando que somos demasiado estúpidos para darnos cuenta. Solo recuerda, cuando los medios, la educación, el entretenimiento y la política están de acuerdo, entonces la verdad se opone geométricamente a su narrativa. Por regla general, los luciferinos siempre invierten la realidad. 

Luciferian-Cabal Rewards Russia

These are telling years, indeed. It is now easier to discern who is evil and who is not. If you want to know what companies are controlled by the Child-sacrificing Cabal, just look at the list of companies taking actions against Russia (see list below). Are they penalizing Russia or are they doing it a favor? It seems like the Luciferian Cabal decided to reward Russia; all while the media makes us believe that being prisoners of global corporations is a good thing.

Think about it. No more garbage food from YUM Brands, McDonald’s or Starbucks. No more poisoning the body with products from Procter & Gamble. No more censoring by social media. Rather than a punishment, Russians are probably celebrating. 

Russia is an energy independent country who benefits when prices of oil go up. Likewise, Russia has been independent from the Cabal central's banking system for years. Western banking does not affect them whatsoever. Then ponder this: there are no Walmart’s in Russia; not one. Even the second largest retailer after Walmart, Carrefour, is irrelevant in Russia. Talk about freedom from the evil empire.

On the other hand, look at what happened to the price of Nickel. The media is blaming restrictions in Russia for the massive price increase, although I don’t buy it. Restrictions started way before the price shut up. Still, let’s assume the blockade of the Russian economy is the reason for the metals sky high price jump. The battery industry is going to take it in the shorts regardless. The price of all electric vehicles just exploded. 

And how about the other side of transportation? The price of both West Texas and Brent have blown up. The barrel of oil is now at levels that will squeeze the global economy. At noon on 3-11-2022, West Texas oil was sitting at $109.43 per barrel while Brent was selling for $112.04. Oh, how things have changed. One year ago, the US was energy independent, just as Russia is. Today, Russia gets to sell oil; at sky high prices while we are left to continue to pay for the stolen elections. 

Obviously none of these economic concerns will affect the basement dwellers who supported the White House's theft by the satanic Cabal. 40 year old Soy-Boys and all the Social-Justice-Antifa crowd will surely ignore the global changes. While their parents fail to make mortgage payments, the Non Player Characters in our society will never wake up to the reality that we are slaves trying to reach freedom from the Cabal family. 

How will these restrictions affect the Russians? Be assured that they will be laughing all the way to the bank. This will happen as the media continues to pass video-game images as “real” war footage. They continue to think that we are too stupid to notice. Just remember, when the media, education, entertainment and politics agree, then the truth is geometrically opposed to their narrative. As a rule, Luciferians always invert reality. 

Thursday, March 3, 2022

Our Past Is A Fabrication

As surprising as it may seem to anyone thinking we live in freedom, the sad truth is that rewriting history, science and all other societal memory has been taking place none-stop from the very beginning. We are slaves within our little box of reality. 

At this stage, there is very little that is true among all we think we know. We are the orphans who have yet to be told that our life is not what we heard. 

None of these words are hyperbole. I wish they were. While the impact from knowing the many lost truths will be emotionally disturbing, the real price will be paid by experts. Those who dedicated every minute of their life to the collection of falsified facts will find it difficult to recover. This is why the great awakening is, by definition, driven by the non-expert; the lay person with nothing to lose. The book "The Innovators Dilemma" describes the challenge faced by those with the greatest investments in old paradigms. 

But we are the children of the universe. We were created to exist in innocence. As such, we are open minded. We are flexible. We are curious. In fact, a past of lies is what's expected and changes nothing about our human character. The many species that donated DNA for our creation did so with the hope we would one day repair the fallen reality, the dark matrix. Because fixing it will result in the inevitable end of the existence of the fallen angels that created the mess in the first place, these will not just let us fulfill our destiny. Yes, it was their freewill that drove them into trouble. But they think of themselves as gods. They will thus fight us for every inch of progress. 

Still, the universe is watching. we are to become the most loving of universal mediators. We are healers. That is our future. Our past only served as the foundation to show us why we are who we are. That is why the human collective chose to be born into slavery and abuse. Only then could we understand the purpose of our mission. 

Know that all the past is false. Move on to take our place in the universe... with love as our flag.