Monday, July 24, 2017

Sessions lacks the stomach to drain the Swamp; Replace with Giuliani.

composed image in color of Jeff Sessions, RudyGiuliani, the US Department of Justice seal and the US FlagWe the people elected Trump to clear the Swamp. We want all corrupt non-elected bureaucrats who permanently infest Washington, independently of political party, to lose their power and influence over our government. We want them kicked out of Washington.

Unfortunately, all Swamp creatures are actively celebrating that Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, is a nice guy that's easily pushed around by the brutal beasts. As a result, Washington is now a circus where unaccountable attorneys have absolute power and unlimited funds to revert the wish of the electorate.

We need someone with the visceral fortitude to take on the most difficult job in US history. We need our ever-reliable hero, Rudy Giuliani. Mr. President, please replace Sessions with Giuliani for Attorney General.

If you agree, sign the White House petition at the link below:

Sessions lacks the stomach to drain the Swamp; Replace with Giuliani.